Forum Klubu ROVERki.pl
Tuning mechaniczny - Board computer
Eny45 - Czw Lut 26, 2009 11:49 Temat postu: Board computer Hello all
I should like introduce to you, Board computer. We make it in Czech Republic. It is someting like a prototip
Mechanism is lightly complicated, but instalation is simply.
It consists of: display from Siemens mobil phone, motherboard with lot of electric parts, programmed microchip, some cables.
How it works?
One cable connect with one injection.
One cable connect with tachometer (speed indicator).
Also need electricity 12V, this can be take from instrument panel.
This is all
When we made the software, we needed lot of information. About injection, and electric pulses from gear box. When is board computer inside the car, user can calibrate them. Computer have a one button, you can adjust exactly number of pulses for speed (for example one car have 15" wheel, another 17" = 6% diferent speed), also can be change the injection data.
First car with this computer is Rover 400 1,6i. This car belongs to MR. Fujitsu. He tested the fuel consumption. He tankful, drive 500km, and tank petrol again. The computer shows him 6,7. And real consumption has been 6,9. He used the options and lightly changed the injection data.
Injection data, or speed data can be change from 0 to 50. And default is 35.
Motherboard is small (7x10x3 cm) MR. Fujitsu hide motherboard behind the instrument panel.
Board computer have a few functions. Display can shows you:
1) momental petrol consumption and momental speed.
2) today distance moved and consumption for lap of the journey (example 28litres/400km)
3) average consumption and accumulator voltage
All of screens can by change over by button. Today distance moved, consumption for lap and average consumption can be reset by button too.
Here is some fotos:
jasiu87 - Czw Lut 26, 2009 12:26
i can se only one picture can u host on other server ?
Eny45 - Czw Lut 26, 2009 12:33
the same fotos
Marrkus - Czw Lut 26, 2009 21:04
Wygląda dobrze o wiele lepiej niż projekt z Elektroniki Praktycznej przedstawiony tu:
Nie ma takiego natłoku informacji i jest o wiele czytelniejszy czytelniejszy.
matlacz - Pią Lut 27, 2009 08:53
NIe znam za bardzo się na angielskim większość zrozumiałem. Ale chyba nie pisze czy to nadaje się do diesla?
Eny45 - Pią Lut 27, 2009 10:00
I understant only half, of all you say , but this is only for benzín - petrol motor. Diesel have very diferent injection.
In this time, we make 4 another board computer. And i hope we can show you instalation in another rover 400 and 45.
and here is some more fotos from rover 400
fearless - Pią Lut 27, 2009 12:47
To jak można się w to zaopatrzeć
dobryziom - Pią Lut 27, 2009 13:01
mnie by interesowało czy podejdzie to do mojego 220 turbo (bo często nam problem z obliczeniem trasy i wirem w baku ) i jak z wysyłka i najważniejsze koszt?
Markzo - Sob Lut 28, 2009 11:09
Piszmy po angielsku, kolega może nie rozkminiac polskiego
I've got a little question, does this copmuter works with another Rovers or only with 400/45? I've got Rover 216 Coupe from 1996 with Honda engine- d16A8. Will your computer work with my engine and with another Rover engines?
How much is it? How with sending it to Poland??
Botanix - Sob Lut 28, 2009 14:55
Very interesting and usefull gadget but I am looking for diesel one. Many of us would like to know how much would it cost to send them to Poland. Probably it would be much cheaper if we buy them wholesale. I mean 10-20 items at once. So we would like to know:
1. How much for 1 item ( item cost + dispatch to Poland and England - one for me )
2. How much for 10 items.
3. Any ideas wher to fit it on dashboard?
4. Which models are compatibile with your device?
5. When if whenever we can expext devices suitable for diesel engines?
6. Where to buy and how to make a payment?
Polska wersja:
Bardzo interesujący i użyteczny gadżet ale szukam takiego dla diesla. Wielu z nas chciałoby się dowiedzieć ile kosztowała by wysyłka do Polski. Prawdopodobnie byłoby taniej jeśli zakupimy je hurtowo. Mam na myśli 10-20 sztuk za jednym razem. Chcielibyśmy więc wiedzieć:
1. Ile za wysyłkę jednego przedmiotu ( koszt przedmiotu + wysyłka do Polski i do Anglii - jeden dla mnie )
2. Ile za 10 sztuk.
3. Jakieś pomysły gdzie umieścić to na desce rozdzielczej?
4. Które modele są kompatybilne z Twoim urządzeniem.
5. Kiedy, jeśli kiedykolwiek możemy spodziewać się urządzeń nadających się dla silników diesel?
6. Gdzie kupić i jak dokonać płatności?
[ Dodano: Sob Lut 28, 2009 14:58 ]
Forget about 3rd question, I found an answer in your previous post.
Polska wersja:
Zapomnij o 3 pytaniu, znalazłem odpowiedź w Twoim poprzednim poście.
truten23 - Sob Lut 28, 2009 22:40
Hmm, wery interesning gadget for R400...
Botanix napisał/a: | Many of us would like to know how much would it cost to send them to Poland. |
I too
giewu - Sob Lut 28, 2009 22:51
Markzo napisał/a: | ... kolega może nie rozkminiac polskiego |
a Ty w to wierzysz ?
Homi - Sob Lut 28, 2009 23:32
Please answer Markzo, question. I would like to know if it works with my 1.4 16V K-series engine in Rover 200 '97.
Eny45 - Pon Mar 02, 2009 10:47
Give me som time, I answer all question.
- First this board computer can be uset in 1,4 1,6 and 1,8 16VRover motor.
- other motor, like Honda is problem. This car have propably Honda transmission. This all is too diferent. (but I tolk my friend, I let you know)
- Instalation in rover 200/25 maybe like this foto1 foto2
- this not work with Diesel engine (but I tolk my friend, I let you know)
- send this to Poland is not problem. I have one Frend, he work in Poland in Walbrzych.
- England is not problem. Bud you must pay before we send it.
- price, I dont now Bud I let you know soon
[ Added: Mon Mar 02, 2009 11:28 ]
- For Honda motor we need know type of injection. And who manufactured this Injection.
After we can change software.
- I know exact price during 1 - 2 weeks. But can be 110 - 180 Euro for one board computer. When we make 10 computer, the price can be 10 euros lower. (100-170)
We make this with own hans, and for one board computer need 10 - 15 hours work, and many material.
I let you know exact price.
BoloSr - Pon Mar 02, 2009 18:15
fajne tylko ta cena zabija
Markzo - Pon Mar 02, 2009 19:10
it's quite expensive...too expensive http://www.allegro.pl/ite...zdego_auta.html
here is board computer, it is available on www.allegro.pl for "only" 20,95 Euro. And it has got more useful functions the Yours price like 30-40 euro is allright, but 110-180 is definitely to much.
Tak BTW, jakby tego kompa z allegro ożenić z jakimś ładnym wyświetlaczem to chyba zadziała co? taki jakiś co by do Roverka pasował i jego program i fajny gadżet za 99zł... to 110-180euro to przesada!
torez - Pon Mar 02, 2009 21:50
Markzo napisał/a: | it's quite expensive...too expensive http://www.allegro.pl/ite...zdego_auta.html
here is board computer, it is available on www.allegro.pl for "only" 20,95 Euro. And it has got more useful functions the Yours price like 30-40 euro is allright, but 110-180 is definitely to much.
Tak BTW, jakby tego kompa z allegro ożenić z jakimś ładnym wyświetlaczem to chyba zadziała co? taki jakiś co by do Roverka pasował i jego program i fajny gadżet za 99zł... to 110-180euro to przesada! |
Hello, Yes the price is too high but I can read on tthe web site http://vita-v.blog.cz/070...ubniho-pocitace or http://www.hyundaiclub.ne...=1898&start=195 only 90€ or 2500CZ
Markzo - Pon Mar 02, 2009 22:26
I think it is still too expensive...yes, it looks nice, but we can buy sth like I showed before and it costs only 20euros If you want us to buy your board computer, you have to be more competitive and if we'd have troubles with your appliance, we'd also have troubles with fixing it in Poland....we probably have to send it back to You and it is costly
dobryziom - Wto Mar 03, 2009 00:10
czy tylko ja mam takie wrazenie ze ten ekranik wyglada w tym miejscu gorzej niz obciachowo i amatorsko?
Botanix - Wto Mar 03, 2009 01:02
Nie tylko Ty... w R200 jest nieco za mało miejsca na taki ekranik, daltego wczśniej spytałem jak to montować
Poza tym za 500zł to i można kupić N70 ( nokie ) rozmontować, napisać program na symbian, który policzy 100 razy więcej niż te zabawki, wmontować kolorowy ekran i to dopiero byłby bajer .
Hmm w sumie nie najgłupszy pomysł
torez - Wto Mar 03, 2009 07:28
Markzo napisał/a: | Hi
I think it is still too expensive...yes, it looks nice, but we can buy sth like I showed before and it costs only 20euros If you want us to buy your board computer, you have to be more competitive and if we'd have troubles with your appliance, we'd also have troubles with fixing it in Poland....we probably have to send it back to You and it is costly |
In your link is for 20 € only desk with processor but no display(the price is same in my link, and whole computer cost 90€.). And all is no SMD, is old technologi, no matrix display, it isn´t look fine like small matrix display from siemens.. but it is only my opinion.. I don´t want to be more competitive, it is not my business
Markzo - Wto Mar 03, 2009 08:11
Your're wrong, 20e for computer+screen+program
Dobryziom, nie tylko Ty amsz takie wrażenie za taką kasę mogli chociaż jakieś opakowanko ładne na to zrobić
Eny45 - Wto Mar 03, 2009 10:03
I am not a trader. I only want to show you this Board Computer. Not sell that to you.
Torez tell you right
This is difrent, is very small, and nice. Only the proffesional chip cost 15 Euros ! We use SMD components. (this is wery smal, and have absolute accuracy for good calculation) And we must buy old Siemens mobil phone - display and light for display.
But yesterday we find many old mobil phones, with low price. And the final price can be 90 euro.
Price cannot be lower, because nobody make this 10 hours for 15 euro. (example)
michone - Wto Mar 03, 2009 12:08
I tak taniej wychodzi niz ten z allegro, ale tamten ma wiecej opcji
AndrewS - Sro Mar 04, 2009 23:19
Marrkus napisał/a: | Wygląda dobrze o wiele lepiej niż projekt z Elektroniki Praktycznej przedstawiony tu: |
no ja mam calkiem odmienne zdanie,
ten w porownaniu do tego z EP jest ubogi
a BTW do tego z EP mozna zastosowac wyswietlacz od nokii 5110 i wtedy jest podobny do tego
SIMON - Pią Kwi 03, 2009 12:38
ja mam u siebie ten z allegro
tak wygląda u mnie:
matlacz - Pią Kwi 03, 2009 18:57
Bardzo fajny
Do diesla podejdzie?
SIMON - Nie Kwi 05, 2009 08:49
Z dieslem był problem ale możesz sprawdzić tutaj
krzys31 - Nie Kwi 05, 2009 09:33
SIMON mógł byś podać link z tej aukcji co masz komputer? Jak z montażem, sam zrobiłeś czy elektryk ci to popodpinał?
SIMON - Pon Kwi 06, 2009 09:31
możesz to kupić na allegro:
lub u producenta w sklepie:
proponuje ten za 129 zł + wyswietlacz kupiony na allegro.
Wszystko montowałem sam działa u mnie od września 2008 r.
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